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The Guilded Ones by Namina Forna

How it works

Icon: Choose in a different way

Choose in a different way

Instead of genres, we'll show you book covers. Instead of subjects, we'll show you intriguing themes.

Icon: Get your book suggestions

Get your book suggestions

Real library people will use their expertise to email you recommendations that match your preferences.

Icon: Pick up your books

Pick up your books

Your local library will let you know when your books are ready to collect. Pick them up and start reading!

What ASK readers say

  • Incredibly, you have managed to pick three books I’ve not read, and two that weren’t even on my ‘keep an eye out for’ list. I think that’s impressive.

  • I’ve had recommendations of books I like to read (and haven’t read before) and books outside my usual genre. I chose thrillers, politics and strong opinion on the website. I tried all of the books and found authors that I would read again. Only one book I didn’t finish and just took it back.

  • I just tried ASK and I have to say how impressed I am. I’ve already received the recommendations. None of them were authors I’d previously read and I now have three new titles I’m itching to read!

  • Got a great selection. One I’ve already read, but that proves they were on the mark.

  • I had read all the books of the authors I like and had got stuck. I didn’t know what to read. Choosing at random didn’t work as I often didn’t like the books and didn’t finish them. ASK has worked so well for me. So far, I’ve read all the suggestions except one that didn’t appeal. This is such a great idea. I am back into reading regularly again

  • It’s a useful time-saver and also a lucky dip means to entice me towards different authors/ideas.

  • My daughter's reaction to the books chosen for her was interesting - one of them she said she definitely wouldn't want to read because it sounded depressing, but now that she's got the physical books, it's that one that she's chosen to read first and is enjoying very much.

  • The mix of tech and a human being, not an algorithm, feels like a nice library touch.

  • I didn’t think there would be anything for me judging by the choices you offered but the books you suggested were perfect!

  • I now have three new authors to read, five good books, one not to my taste. I’ll definitely use ASK again.

  • I just tried ASK and I have to say how impressed I am. I’ve already received the recommendations. None of them were authors I’d previously read and I now have three new titles I’m itching to read!

  • I think ASK is really good – I loved my recommendations and will pick them up on Friday! – so thank you.

  • Since joining the library in November, I have rediscovered reading. As I was a bit unsure to what to choose - I haven’t read a book in years! - I used the ASK service and have enjoyed every book - in double figures now!

  • Incredibly, you have managed to pick three books I’ve not read, and two that weren’t even on my ‘keep an eye out for’ list. I think that’s impressive.

  • Got a great selection. One I’ve already read, but that proves they were on the mark.

  • The mix of tech and a human being, not an algorithm, feels like a nice library touch.

  • I didn’t think there would be anything for me judging by the choices you offered but the books you suggested were perfect!

  • I now have three new authors to read, five good books, one not to my taste. I’ll definitely use ASK again.

  • I think ASK is really good – I loved my recommendations and will pick them up on Friday! – so thank you.

Getting the best from ASK

Choose between Cover, Theme and Family

If you prefer to read fiction, try Cover design. If you’re interested in non-fiction, choose a Theme. You may find a mix of both in the suggestions we make but you’ll get more fiction one way and more non-fiction the other. If you’re looking for books to share with your kids, go to Family.

Sometimes the books we choose will deliver what you expect, and sometimes they may be a bit different. We will use the full range of our libraries’ rich and deep collections to help you discover new books and new authors.

They are all good stories.

You can use this service as many times as you like.

You can go deep in one area that interests you – make a similar choice twice and get different books each time. Or mix it up to get one suggestion that looks like your usual reading; one suggestion that might open up a new direction; and one that looks intriguing but you have no idea if you’ll like it. It’s all free so you have nothing to lose. Who knows where you’ll end up.

Check out our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information.